Thursday, December 9, 2010

Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox

I met Kathryn last year when she had a solo exhibition in a gallery on Merthyr Road. What has impressed me were the colours and this infusion of feelings and sensations...something new that left me really surprised and enthusiastic; then I had the opportunity to have a look to her previous production and I really liked these works:

With contemporary eyes

Looking for the answer

Woman Child Dream
Photos by the artists

Here there is a strong connection with Amor Sacro e Profano.

More information on her works can be find on her website:
Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox

Brett a'Court

I met Brett when still in Auckland, a passionate for art and with an easy going personality, friendly and happy all the time. If you want to know more about his art, this is his website:

Brett a'Court copyright

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jessica Pearless

Jessica is a young visual artist and independent fine art valuer.
She has works and installations spread around all Auckland. 

I came across her work when working for James.

Untitled 2010

Jessica Pearless's copyright

If you want to know more about her have a look to her blog:
Jessica Pearless

Tony Ogle

I haven't met personally Tony, but his wife, Elena, a long time ago at the Dante Alighieri when my children where attending the Italian school and she mentioned that her husband was an artist.

Tony Ogle's copyright

I find his work interesting and with a great use of colour.
To know more about him and for any enquiry have a look to his website:

Anna Palmer

I met Anna a few years ago while out for a coffee with my daughter, who remained really impressed by Anna's ear-rings. In fact Anna designs beautiful glass jewellery with a twist of colour and a strong passion!!!

Anna Palmer

...but Anna has even got a strong passion for drawings, as you can see below: they are all 55 x 75cm, chalk pastel on paper
Karekare, 2010

Dinghy, 2010

Harataonga, 2010

If you want to know more about her works please visit her website:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jan Nigro

Jan Nigro in her studio 

Jan Nigro, an artist, a friend and a wonderful person, based in Auckland over the bridge!!! A life filled by paintings and drawings, nudes and stories.....

One of her work

Jan is autographing her work for us